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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:外资企业
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 光明区 广东深圳光明新区公明街道上村社区下南*三工业区*四栋803
  • 姓名: 瑞迪迈
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定



    Redy-Med Technology, founded in 2012, is a medical device enterprise integrating design, development,production and sales, focusing on medical monitoring accessories business. It is in a leading position in the professional field in China and has a certain international popularity. Redy-Med technology headquarters is located in Shenzhen, China's medical electronics industry known as silicon Valley, has an independent production workshop, covers an area of 1600 square meters, the existing productionstaff of 60 people, has a perfect product quality control system, advanced production/testing equipment. Can provide good accessory support for large Medical equipment manufacturers.The team of Redy-Med technology is gradually growing and developing rapidly and healthily. We look forward to your.. (>>查看全部)
    经营范围 公司主要经营血氧饱和度探头及血氧电缆线,心电导联线,心电电缆线, 兼容市场上国产、进口监护仪 --深圳瑞迪迈科技有限公司--生产厂家VX+:redy-med 主营产品: 血氧饱和度探头及血氧电缆线 心电导联线、心电电缆线 体温传感器、体温传感探头 有创血压电缆、有创血压传感器 动态心电记录议导联线、脑电线 精密仪器气路、电路、数据传输连接器、连接插头 特种数据线、信号传输线及传感器 各种医用仪器、医用连接线、医用传感探头 欢迎前来咨询,期待与您长期合作!